Veritone Reduces Legal Speed Review hours by 99%
Projected Costs Upward of $5M
The Solution
The Challenge
The trend of high-dollar settlements in Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) lawsuits has contributed to a record number of new cases. Because TCPA provides for statutory damages of up to $1,500 per violation with no maximum limit on recovery, the potential exposure in a related class actions can swiftly escalate into millions of dollars in judgments or settlements as well as litigation expenses.
The Solution
Utilizing the Veritone Platform of cognitive engines and applications in conjunction with a date-range strategy, the number of review hours was reduced from 33,000 to just 140 hours. Multiple natural language processing engines transcribed the reduced audio content and powerful keyword and phrase searches were applied. Within hours, the Veritone Platform pinpointed the audio relevant to the TCPA compliant – decreasing the legal review hours by over 99%.
Learn more about Veritone Legal Solutions
Template - Case Study
1280px x 4730px
Cycle interactions (cycle next and cycle previous) allow users to cycle through a folder or group of objects at the click of a button. When a user clicks to activate this interaction, Ceros will automatically show the next object (or group or folder) in your targeted folder while also turning off the visibility for all of the other assets in that folder. Alternatively, you can use the cycle previous interaction to show the previous object in the folder.
To source new SVGs, locate the Media Library in the top toolbar, select "Icons," and search key terms.
To change the color, select the .svg file (try searching .svg in the layers panel), scroll down in the design panel, and select the color swatch.
In this experience, there are two tabs with only one visible at a time.
In the studio, after making your edits in each tab, make sure to turn the visibility of "tab: the challenge" ON and "tab: the solution" OFF.
The video background is pinned which means it is fixed to a specific point in the viewport. Pinning an object allows you to keep the objects always visible on the canvas, regardless of where the user scrolls on the canvas.
Note: Pinned objects do not currently work on full-height embedded experiences; only standalone experience and scrolling embedded experiences.
To unpin select the "pinned video background" group. Next to the X,Y coordinates click the pin icon.
To replace the video, select the video on the canvas or in the layers panel and click the "Replace Video" button, which is next to the video thumbnail in the design panel. Any video settings on the original video will carry over to the new one.
Defendants and their agents were alleged to have violated the TCPA by contacting customers utilizing automated telephone dialing systems and automated or pre-recorded voice messages without obtaining prior consent. Veritone Legal was selected as the Technology Assisted Review (TAR) partner by the defendants to analyze the 33,000 hours of audio that might be relevant to the case. The litigation investment to review these hours of audio was projected to be extremely expensive, with estimates ranging from $4.9 million to $16.5 million or more.
Litigation Expenses Escalate Exponentially
More Efficient Evidentiary Analysis with AI
ABOUT 300+ AI Engines Specializing in all Aspects of Voice and Video
© 2019 – 2022 Veritone, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Challenge
Original TCPA Project Estimates:
$16.5 million+
Total Cost of the Project
Reduced to: