PROGRESS Monetizes More than 20,000 Historic Films with Digital Media Hub
Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
PROGRESS has undergone quite the journey.
“Having the full catalog tagged and managed through Veritone Digital Media Hub will empower our customers to search and find our rich content faster and easier than ever before.”
Gunnar Dedio
Founded in East Berlin, Germany, in 1950
Originally the only film distribution company in the German Democratic Republic (GDR)
Nearly 24,000 films in its archive
Challenge / Solution
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The Challenge
The Solution
The Challenge
In order to scale and fund its mission of historic film preservation, PROGRESS needed to not only expand its archive but make it easier for historians, documentary filmmakers, broadcasters, and others to license and monetize its more than 24,000 films. To do this, they needed to digitize and create metadata for each asset—a massively time-consuming task.
“We needed, on one hand, to respect the on-demand buying experience our customers have come to expect in their private lives,” explained Gunnar Dedio, CEO of PROGRESS. “Then, on the other hand, we needed the technology to handle the massive data created by film—and the metadata to make these archives not only searchable but findable.”
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The Solution
PROGRESS knew it needed AI to accomplish its goal of speedy metadata enrichment on its archive. With Veritone Digital Media Hub, they not only took advantage of Veritone’s ecosystem of more than 300 AI engines, such as facial and object recognition, to ingest its archive and create metadata around the films; they were also able to better monetize PROGRESS’ archive through Digital Media Hub’s eCommerce feature—creating a white-labeled marketplace that is easily searchable by those very same metadata.
“We could only achieve our goals with the help of artificial intelligence,” Dedio said. “We were looking for a partner that puts AI in the center, where the basic idea of the company is AI. This made the choice to partner with Veritone an easy one to make.”
PROGRESS makes its archive available to more than 50,000 clients
Ultimately, Digital Media Hub helps PROGRESS keep its initial promise—preserving an essential part of history.
Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Template - Case Study
1280px x 4730px
Cycle interactions (cycle next and cycle previous) allow users to cycle through a folder or group of objects at the click of a button. When a user clicks to activate this interaction, Ceros will automatically show the next object (or group or folder) in your targeted folder while also turning off the visibility for all of the other assets in that folder. Alternatively, you can use the cycle previous interaction to show the previous object in the folder.
To source new SVGs, locate the Media Library in the top toolbar, select "Icons," and search key terms.
To change the color, select the .svg file (try searching .svg in the layers panel), scroll down in the design panel, and select the color swatch.
In this experience, there are two tabs with only one visible at a time.
In the studio, after making your edits in each tab, make sure to turn the visibility of "tab: the challenge" ON and "tab: the solution" OFF.
The video background is pinned which means it is fixed to a specific point in the viewport. Pinning an object allows you to keep the objects always visible on the canvas, regardless of where the user scrolls on the canvas.
Note: Pinned objects do not currently work on full-height embedded experiences; only standalone experience and scrolling embedded experiences.
To unpin select the "pinned video background" group. Next to the X,Y coordinates click the pin icon.
To replace the video, select the video on the canvas or in the layers panel and click the "Replace Video" button, which is next to the video thumbnail in the design panel. Any video settings on the original video will carry over to the new one.
It was founded in 1950 as the only film distribution company in the German Democratic Republic (GDR), also known as East Germany. Following the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, PROGRESS has continued to grow its archive of world film while staying true to its roots by preserving, digitizing, and indexing the film history of the GDR and making it available to the public on a historically curated platform.
Monetizing the Past
AI helps connect the past to the present
WIth Digital Media Hub, PROGRESS is taking its entire archive and connecting it to an estimated 52,000 customers from all over the world. With the ability for customers to drill down on specific metadata, such as actors, years, film length, and more, they’re expanding the possibilities of what their audience may license from PROGRESS’ archive.
“What drives us is preservation,” Dedio said. “And monetization is what gives us the opportunity to save that heritage.”
© 2019 – 2022 Veritone, Inc. All rights reserved.
Saving time & film history
PROGRESS will save time by automating a sales process that previously was manual—customers had to request films via email and telephone. This gives at least two people back time to be productive elsewhere, rather than having to spend time processing assets to improve metadata management and curation.
Finally, Digital Media Hub is now available in German, giving PROGRESS a user interface, metadata, and marketplace in their native language. This ensures PROGRESS’ customers can find what they need in the language in which they are most comfortable.
“An important part of our market is in Germany,” Dedio said. “There is an expectation from the customer that they feel at home when they see the natural language of their territory.”